Vang Vieng
Charming town on the Nam Song river surrounded by impressive limestones and caves, Vang Vieng has become my second home. I am currently living there since March 2020 with my boyfriend. 6 months in this little paradise.
With this amount of time spending there, you can guess that we discovered a lot around the city. And there is plenty things to do within only 30 minutes of ride (which makes a difference comparing to others cities in Laos): between all the villages sitting along the river (offering the perfect place to chill in the jungle while having the choice to swim), beautiful rice fields, huge mountains, adventurous hikes, a handful of gorgeous caves and lagoons, the city has its own vibes.
Used to be known as the party place for backpackers, we didn't get to know that side of Vang Vieng as we arrived there during the pandemic (COVID 19). But on the contrary - lucky us - we discovered the surroundings with no one around. That's a privilege.
What else does Vang Vieng offer? We got the unique chance to live with two beautiful rescued monkeys, fulfilling one of my child's dream.
Thank you Universe.